loves the song "John the Rabbit"
still takes 2 naps
has gone to two of Alla's soccer games now
loves to spy 'eh-pames' in the 'ky'
says 'voh voh' and signs motorcycle whenever one drives by
the vacuum obsession continues
loves food, especially 'beams' and 'ka-mama' (beans and avocado)
helps unload the dishwasher in the morning
loves to dance ('den!')
is the funniest whistler ever
says Alla like this: Aye-ya
is busy busy busy
tells me when he poops
and when he does it's 'stintee'
gives the sweetest pat-hugs
loves his kitty book
And just because I'm their mom, here's Alla at 16 months. Sigh.
Oh my, Alla had the cheeks! I love that there are so many similarities in Fisher and Jacob. Happy 16 months Big Guy!
oh i can't believe it. 16 months. that means mine is almost there. why is it that 16 months seems so much older than 15 months. oh my.
Happy 16 months Fish! I love reading these posts because it reminds me of all the things I have to look forward to with Lorelei...even if I do think it's much too fast. :-)
So VERY sweet!
wow! that was fast!
Fisher sure is getting big. This age until around 2 is Rick's absolute favorite so far. All the new words & discoveries so fun. And Fisher looks so much like Ron. Wow!
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