Saturday was our annual (well I think we've ran three of the past four summers) run down at Lake Nokomis. The
first year we did it, Alla was as little as Fisher is now, and obsessed with airplanes as he is now. So you get ten-plus pics of our outing for this edition of Ten on Tuesday. Can I just say I love having a point-and-shoot for such occasions?
1. This one was Alla's idea. Guess you can tell the wee one isn't as excited.
2. This is how Fisher likes to slide. He is very concerned with safety.
3. It's interesting what their interests were at the beach-park once the race was over. (Oh, did I mention that this isn't a post about the actual race, but the park at the finish line?) Anyway, Alla wanted to chase seagulls and Fisher wanted to sit and feel the sand.
Sen, he says.
4. She also got a kick out of this rock wall that was super cool with its clear background.
5. Both kids have gotten a huge kick out of this swing it seems. Here's Fisher at last year's event.
And this year!
6. Did I mention the airplane obsession? We knew from remembering Alla's first year at this race that he would be super excited about this. The lake is just over from the airport so you can practicaly see them take off. Fisher says,
eh-paMe, over and over and over.
7. Here's our little family post-race!
8. Oh, alright, I'll indulge you. Ron ran a 44-something in the 10K and I ran a 25 and a half in the 5K.
9. We made it home in time for Fisher's morning nap. Yes he's 16 months and still taking a morning nap! And tired enough that I have to wake him from it each morning so he'll do an afternoon one!
10. For some reason every year we've ran this race it's been cool. The first year it was August and we were actually chilly, and the past two years it's been July and just lovely breezy gorgeous skies. Come to think of it, our entire July we haven't seen a single 90-degree-day. I'm sure that means we're in for a scorcher of an August. But that, I think, is what makes the crisp fall and chilly winter, actually welcome.
cracking up at fish's sliding position! so cute! he is getting so big!
1. Super cool rock climbing wall!
2. I am impressed by your 5K time!
3. It's been pretty mild here, too, this summer. When does the heat arrive, I wonder??
4. Happy Wednesday!
that rock wall is so so cool. and if charlie had anything to do with it he would just walk down the slide. oh those boys ;)
Jacob was the same with the slide until he turned two. It was his magic age where he was able to be a bit more daring. I love that rock roll. The kids would have fun with that. Sounds like a fun day!
we have had some very mild weather lately too.
Love that rock wall!
fisher looks exactly the same as a year ago, just WAY bigger! those dimples SIGH>>>>>>
Good job both of you!!
Love seeing the comparison picture of Fisher. Makes you realize how much they change in a year, especially these first couple of years.
Awesome times on your runs guys...very impressive!
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