Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Soccer girl.

A few pics from her first game a few weeks ago. Her games are right after dinnertime, which is right when Fisher goes to bed, so at least for this year, Daddy's been taking her to the games. However that first game was later so I was able to see her in action. Too much fun.
She's doing a lot right now: soccer, swim lessons, a little reading, getting faster and faster on her bike. It's one of those times when you see a leap in growth in a lot of areas, all at once.I wish I knew what the assistant coach was saying to make Alla hold this kid's hand. I didn't even see it til I pulled up the photo. Sweet. I can't wait til the last game, which takes place at our park, just up the street, cause we're all going, as a family.


Megan said...

She looks so big there. She also looks like she is having lots of fun.

Cathy Bolander said...

That's so adorable. And I love her pink shorts.

Sara said...

I love that they have the names on the back of their jerseys. Go Alla!!!

boo and stacy said...

TOO cute~ She is getting so old is right! Leaps and bounds at this age! Love the pigtails and soccer shoes!!

Way to go on the reading ALLA!!

Dre said...

omg! i love this post!! she is precious j.j.! miss you! dre

Katie said...

Love it! I can't believe next year I might be watching Kelsea play soccer!

Rina said...

Ok If Alla and Max ever get married this pic is soooooooooo going in the slideshow! :)

