You'd think she were five
months instead of five years, with all these new things she's learning and doing. She's been telling me for months that she wants a haircut. Short. Deep inhale from the mama with extensions. Just kidding. I started to think back on my own hair adventures growing up. My mom didn't seem to have a problem marching me to Supercuts when in second grade I figured a perm was in order. Nor did she (that I remember) take issue with my two-inch Aquanetted bangs all through junior high. I've had it super short and super long, and actually didn't even consider (that I remember) coloring it til a summer of swimming in college had bleached it blonde. So, the lesson = it's just hair. Be normal about it, and your daughter will, too. That's the thought, at least.
So, I snapped a quick 'before' shot, marched her on over to my own hairdresser, and got super excited for her. Mostly because I knew she'd look so cute, but also partly because I was impressed with her nonchalance about it. It's just hair.
And all I've been able to tell her today when she steps into the room is
I love you because she just looks so cute and so free!
Now, little girl, if I hear one word about wanting to straighten your hair in later years, I will probably not handle that as well. Just a heads-up.
oh man, makes her look WAY OLDER!!!
I remember when AVa got hers cut off at age: 5, and all those blonde curls, so sad!!!
but your right, it's just hair, it will grow back if she wants it!
But, she sure LOOKS SOOOOOOOOOOO AODRABLE with it short! I LOVE IT!
Oh, she's so cute!!!! Love it!!!
I was thinking that she looked younger. It's cute either way though. And she looks happy so that's what matters says the mama who won't stand for my boys wanting to grow their hair long.
Good job mama. I know that couldn't be easy for you. Tell Alla that we LOVE her hair!!!!! So so cute.
Lovely hair (anyway you wear it!). I think you look fantastic, Miss Alla!
Cute lil girl!!
Wait cute on her, but I'm afraid it makes her look slightly older, no!!
i'm going with those that have said she looks older...but it's very cute and a little longer than when she tried to show me what it was gonna look like :-)
You get the super mom award for letting her do it!
Awww!!! She looks so cute! I think age 5 is the magical age when girls start thinking about their hair and how to change it. That's about the age when I got that horrid Dorothy Hamil do back in the day :)
Adorable! I think it makes her look more like a kid. Happy and free like you said. Kelsea wants to grow hers long like a princess...some day she'll outgrow that. I think...
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