The night before we left I agonized over taking my camera, and in the end decided not to. So, I wish I had better pictures of the cuties, but the reality was I was holding Fisher on my hip the whole time, so there was absolutely no chance of me snapping pictures with anything that couldn't be held with one hand. Thank goodness for the point-and-shoot!
Aren't they smashing?
And sweet.
He was just the most dapper thing you've ever seen.

I think this is the closest thing to a full-lenth shot of me that there was. Like I said, I pretty much held Fisher the whole evening.
Me and my little guy before the festivities. Alla snapped this one!
Whenever he saw the camera he said Cheese!
She was just gorgeous.
The only one I caught of the three of them. This was after the wedding. You can see that by this time, Fisher was D-O-N-E.
The whole evening he pretty much held tight to that lovey. If for one moment he became interested in something else, then as soon as that moment was over he'd become distressed and start asking about it again, Wuhvie? Oh, wuhbie? And, it seems, when he's super worried about it, it becomes Buhbie?
At this point Alla was done, too, but we got her in one quick shot with Ronna and Dexter. I really can't be sure Fisher didn't cry through the whole picture, but hopefully the prints will prove me wrong. So much for the two hour naps.
The best parts of the weekend for Alla: holding Aunt Ronna's hand as she approached the aisle (what a special role, she'll understand its gravity someday), getting a new kitty to sleep with (Minnies), sharing a bed with Mama, swimming like a crazy fish in the hotel pool, catching up with Samantha, and - her most favorite part -seeing Grandma; she wanted to be by Grandma's side whenever she could.
OMG! Fisher is so handsome with his tux and chucks. Alla, you are so beautiful. I hope the bride didn't mind that they were so not the center of attention when those two cuties were in the room. Ron and JJ you look great too! I'm glad it all went well.
first of all, OHMYGOODNESS they look sooooo cute! second, WHERE did you get fisher's suit? we are going to a wedding at the end of the month and i have nothing NOTHING for him to wear. must find something soon...
You all looked beautiful. Love the purple dress. Alla you looked lovely. One of the cutest flower girls I have ever seen. And Fisher so handsome. Love the striped socks. Ron you didn't look so bad yourself. Hope you had a wonderful time & you probably got to enjoy more of it not taking pictures.
You all looked so beautiful and handsome!
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