We had a lovely Christmas, and I'm still digging out from under all those photos. Be back in the new year with some Christmas goodness:) Have a safe New Year's Eve, friends. I myself will be in bed way before midnight, kind of sad that the year of my son's birth has passed. Sigh.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Just hangin out.
We had a lovely Christmas, and I'm still digging out from under all those photos. Be back in the new year with some Christmas goodness:) Have a safe New Year's Eve, friends. I myself will be in bed way before midnight, kind of sad that the year of my son's birth has passed. Sigh.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
'Twas the night before Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2008
What's on our tree.
This one says 'Ronnie Killins' on the bottom in Ron's mom's writing, because he took it to hang on his kindergarten tree and this way it would make it safely back to his home tree, and, one day, to our tree.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Take one.

Extra credit to anyone who noticed that my son already got what he wanted for Christmas: his two front [top] teeth!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday Five.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pomegranate season.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.
2. I really hardly have the time to get dishes into the dishwasher and laundry into drawers, let alone finish Christmas cards.
3. The beauty of Christmas is that it comes on December 25th no matter what.
4. Most of the reason for this current lack of being able to do ANYTHING is Little Mr. Fisher's ability to be all.over.the.place.FAST.
5. He also likes to leap out of his crib in search of his lovey.
6. And, as we learned the hard way, Fisher is horribly allergic to flaxseed.
7. Alla dresses up as a princess every day. It's really just a matter of which dress she's going to wear - the blue one or the pink one. Today, blue.
8. Temperature for my run this evening: 15 degrees. Balmy.
9. Consequently, we are staying home a bunch. It is just a pain in the you-know-what to get two kiddos bundled up to go anywhere. By the time you're bundled up, you've cut into the short time you had anyway, in between naps + nursing, lunch, and the next nap. I, however, make sure to get out for my run, or I.will.go.CRAZY. And if it ever gets above freezing, those kiddos will be coming out with me.
10. Megan tagged me, so here goes. The rules are:
1) Link to the person who tagged you. (check).
2) Post the Rules. (check)
3) Write 6 random things about myself (check below).
4) Tag 6-ish people (tagged below-check).
5) Let each person know they were tagged (check).
6) Let the tagger know when you've posted (check).
My six random things:
1) I have to make the bed every morning. Preferably before breakfast.
2) I drink half-caff: 2 scoops of each.
3) I am addicted to Guittard's semisweet chocolate chips at the moment.
4) I started running 6 years ago.
5) One of my pet peeves is seeing empty hangers mixed in with clothes on hangers. I need all the empty hangers to be together in one designated spot.
6) I have taken very few photos in December. It's cold. The light sucks. No, you aren't seeing wrong, there are NO photos in this post. Another day. Maybe.
My six tagged:
Susie, Karena, My sister, Heather, Shelley, Stacy
Monday, December 01, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.
2. I just saw the most heart-warming video. Congrats, Matt + Shelley!
3. Have you checked out The Crafty Crow yet?
4. Crock-potting the stuffing on Thanksgiving was the most genius idea ever. I just made my staple stuffing and threw it in the crockpot for 2 hours.
5. Another brilliant crockpot idea? Baked oatmeal. Yum.
6. OK, just one more, promise. I bet you've been wondering what to do with your turkey carcass all these years? Besides throwing it away, of course. Make this soup (well, we're calling it Turkey Carcass Stew) in the same crockpot you had your stuffing in. Freeze half for later.
7. And while you're at it, make some two-day yummy crusty bread to go with it.
8. My daughter says cool a lot. And once last week we heard her say freakin'.
9. #10 is still uploading so it looks like this might be a Ten on Thursday after all.
10. Our son is the funniest baby ever. And a true Killins, he loves to dance.
Welcome, December.
Today's treat for her was a wind-up butterfly that she promtpy named Farfallina. Other treats include new tights, some stamps, toy dinosaurs, a card game, socks, a board game for Family Game Night (some of the stuff obviously doesn't fit IN the boxes so we leave her a note inside as to where she can find the treat). There are lots of non-material gifts, such as a swim date with Mama (uh, yes, the community center's pool is both indoors and heated), a date with Daddy, special Christmas shows to watch on TV, a dollar to put in the Salvation Army bucket when we go to the store. We keep a master list with us so that we can make sure things are in place for her the next morning, and move things around if necessary - for example, if it were to snow and be a weekend, then we might decide to take her sledding or something wintery like that.
It is VERY fun to think about this stuff year-round, and easier, too, than trying to gather it all at once. Now, since I can't wait til this time next year to think about what to stuff in there for both of them, if you leave a comment today, give me some ideas on what next year's boxes could hold for a 4 and a half year old girlie, and a 20-month-old baby boy:)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Movie recommendation.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Hello, Mr.Turkey, how are you?
As promised, a special Thanksgiving song to sing for the feast. I am grateful for my little singing-dancing princess.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The day before.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.
Monday, November 24, 2008
A few tricks up their sleeves.
First up, Little Miss Practicing for Her First Talent Show, I think.
Next up, it's the officially CRAWLING Little Master of the House. I'm afraid it was a bit anti-climactic with the few weeks of army-crawling and all, but it really was all of a sudden, him getting up and trying out the traditional crawl every time he lands on all fours. The inchworm is still around, still faster, but I imagine that mode of transportation is slowly making its way out. Sniff, sniff.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
8 months.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.

3. Today was diaper-washing day.
4. The weather is getting very wintery. It was 29 when I went out for my run yesterday evening. Brrr. What are you gonna do, though? It's not like it's getting any warmer.
5. I heard Alla crying during her 'naptime' this afternoon. When I went in the playroom to check on her, I found her holding her princess crown and sobbing, I broke my crown to smithereens! Now I can't be a snow princess!
6. In case you missed the reference, we've been watching a lot of Dora Saves the Snow Princess around here.
7. This is why we use nontoxic floor cleaners. 8. And this is evidence of how my world is about to change. Crawling is just.around.the.corner. I
give it til Thanksgiving. May I be wrong about this. 9. Because of #8, this weekend's project = gates. We never did this with Alla, so any tips are greatly appreciated.
10. I printed out the beginnings of my Thanksgiving recipes tonight, so I can start getting the menu/ginormous grocery list ready. Can anyone believe how fast the holidays are approaching?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I made carrots for Fisher, and he loved them. Surprise, surprise.
Both kids decided that rice cakes are the best thing ever. Alla likes hers dipped in plain yogurt, surprise, surprise. Fisher just likes to gnaw on it til it's sticky messy ground into his skin and clothes.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.

5. New favorite breakfast smoothie: handful of spinach, two big scoops of frozen OJ concentrate, a bit of water, and a banana. YUM.

Friday, October 31, 2008

My little Sleeping Beauty. She and I had so much fun trick or treating tonight. And watching Happy Punkin Trolley (Charlie) Brown last night. What a lucky girl to be bathed in all that pink princess silky dress. You'd never know her favorite color is blue.
I love my little punkins.
These aren't even their costumes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.

6. And cute, too.